Seven Rent-A-Car, Tours, Transport Agency & Ambulance Service
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Vehicles Details:- Car group G ; Jeep New Shape Prado Model 2012 to 2016

Air conditioning: Yes double AC
Number of doors: 5,
Number of passengers:6+1,
Luggage capacity: 4 Suitcase, 4 Bag.

Available For Rent: Daily/ Monthly basis and package system
Condition:Fully Fresh, Super Cool double AC, Octane.
Daily Rent: Car Rent: Dhaka Metro (Past 15,000/) but now 13,000/ and out of Dhaka BDT. (Past 16,000/) but now 13,000/- (Per day 10 hours duty). Rental rates are excluding another cost (fuel, toll, food and tour allowance )
Driver's Allowance: BDT. 1,000/- for night stay.
Fuel Cost : Will be paid by Client, Octane 28/TK Per KL.
Package for Dhaka Metro: BDT. (Past 20,000/) but Now 18,000/- (Including all expenditure)
Monthly Rent: BDT. (Past 2,50,000/) but now 2,30,000/- Rental rates are excluding another cost (fuel, toll, food and tour allowance )
Note: Rental rates may be higher or lower, depending on how long use the car will last, as well as distances and roads, depend on good credit.

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